Our multifloral forest honey has a fragrant natural aroma, rich composition and a creamy taste.

Malaika Natural Honey helps to improve the body as it contains: biogenic stimulants, mineral components, acids of organic origin, antibacterial substances, minerals, and vitamins. It has a calming effect, it is antiseptic and antimicrobial. Our natural honey is also used to remedy respiratory diseases – helps treat asthma, bronchitis, rhinitis, tracheitis, laryngitis.

Malaika Natural Honey useful properties:

✔️Helps restore liver and kidney function
✔️Improves the quality of coronary circulation
✔️Stabilizes blood pressure, strengthens the heart and blood vessels

Our multi-flora honey can be bought in bulk or retail.

Pure Tanzanian Beeswax

At Malaika Natural Honey we produce and sell the highest quality all natural and 100% pure Tanzanian beeswax, directly from the hive - just the way the bees made it.

Our beeswax has a soft golden yellow beeswax color with a pleasant, subtly sweet, aroma. We sell our 100% Pure Beeswax in a variety of sizes. Additionally, if you are looking for bulk all natural beeswax, we can provide it in many different quantities

Some of many uses for beeswax: glazing agent, candle making, food production, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, cheese waxing, care for wooden bowls and utensils, egg decorating, grease cookie sheets, beeswax., crafts, woodworking and so many other uses.

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