Community Honey.
Global Wellness.
Malaika Natural Honey is a family business built on a sweet legacy and pure heritage. Alphonce inherited the business from his grandfather, Mzee Cosmas. Growing up, Alphonce was always intrigued by his grandfather, a hunter and beekeeper as he tended his beehives in Mtwara. The neighbors and the far reaching community at large would come regularly to his grandfather's house to get honey for food and various treatments. Malaika Naturals stems from his knowledge and ideas.
The family's legacy of using honey to heal and feed the community has been the inspiration and catalyst for growing the company to this date. After 50 years of locally supporting the community around us through the many benefits of honey, the company became a certified corporation in 201, with a firm commitment to leveraging business as a force for good, putting people and planet before profit.
The Malaika Naturals beekeepers harvest sweet honey from sustainably managed beehives in well protected forests, so that a honey lover can truly indulge and experience sweet honey in its natural state.

The Vision
Malaika Natural Honey is a renowned global company with roots in Africa that produces bees products and supplies honey continental wide.
The Ethos & Purpose
Following family traditions of beekeeping, the main purpose of Malaika Naturals is to keep the legacy alive while also embracing technological advancement made in the honey sector in order to provide healthier food options and also conserve the environment.

From The Honey farm
to your honey jar
Tanzania is a pollinators paradise. Our bees collect nectar from naturally growing flowers in the Katavi, Tabora, Iringa and Dar es Salaam regions of Tanzania. At Malaika Natural Honey, we place our hives in tropical forested areas, 1000 - 2500 metres above sea - level, filled with diverse flora amongst the acacia trees. The Pugu forest in Kisarawe is our largest apiary and where we harvest most of our Malaika Natural Honey. We carefully choose where we keep our hives so that we're able to share with you a pure, raw honey just as the bees intended it.
From hive-to-jar, our honey is carefully handled every step of the way. This ensures that Malaika Natural Honey keeps its rich, fulfilling taste with all the nutritious benefits from the vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes that nature places there. All the goodness, beautiful flavors and other healthy elements that bees work so hard to put into the honey are still there. What could be more natural?
Malaika natural honey is very loved by our customers, and our biggest customer who buys their honey is an army colonel, he has been praising it a lot every he uses this honey, he is quoted ".. and there have been many other customers from the army camp here at Gongo la Mboto area at army camp number 511 who also love Malaika honey"KAOLE SHOP, Dar Es salaam, Tanzania
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